
[testimonial] Florianne Bourne-Chastel – Co-founder

[testimonial] Florianne Bourne-Chastel - Co-founder Co-founder of the Vivaligne laboratory, Florianne Bourne-Chastel, on the K'Derm products: « K'Derm in a word: it is the alliance of science and medicine [...] Our motto? To understand and analyse the needs of each woman, so that wrinkles are no longer an fatality. » La boutique K'derm

Thousands of customers recommend us

Thousands of customers recommend us Many of you have shared your testimonials about our K'Derm products. The key to their success? Kappa-Elastin: an innovative and unique molecule developed by university researchers. Vivaligne now provides the real scientific answer to skin ageing. La boutique K'derm

Our customers talk about the Premium Serum Lifter

Testimonials: K'DERM customers Discover the testimony of two of our customers, conquered by the Lifter Premium Serum from the Laboratoire Vivaligne. "Tensor effect, renewed suppleness, for a more luminous skin"...Christine and Françoise share their experience with this product, a real innovation! Le Lifter Sérum Premium